“You must be sharing your stories.” Joe Bunting, teacher and illustrious leader of The Write Practice and the Write to Practice (W2P) course.
Since our last chat, I’ve neared the finish line with W2P. My first official launch is next week, June 20, when I will release ‘Good Neighbors’ to the world. It’s a serious exercise: a hands-on introduction to the publishing world. I have a great team of friends helping to make this a success.
Sooner than that, though, the anthology “Once Upon A Story” is available right now. My story ‘Ebony’s Heart’ is one of the selections. It’s the story of a woman who places her heart in a tree for safe-keeping. Emerging writers from every continent have contributed to this international collection to introduce their work to the world. You can download the anthology for free before June 13. After that, it is available from booksellers everywhere.
Aside from that, I wrote a new story titled ‘The Open Door’ for a short story contest. This story has gone through four versions in a week of critique from fellow writers (see photo above for a glimpse of the revision process). The story is officially entered now and judging has begun. Soon as ‘The Open Door‘ is available, I’ll share it with you.
A link to ‘Precious Meat,’ a story about holding on to our identities in the face of change, is now available here under Stories & Bits. ‘Precious Meat’ was published by Beneath Ceaseless Skies, an online magazine of literary adventure fantasy. I hope you will listen to the audio version as well as read the story. The wonderfully talented staff of BCS perfectly captures the shifting of change in this story.
That’s it for now. Enjoy reading. Blessings to you all.